Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 245... Or, In My Case... Day 365

Batman and Robin didn't talk today.

I'm taking a break from this regularly scheduled blog post to pay tribute to the reason I started this year-long blog.

I needed something daily not only to do, but to look forward to doing. So I came up with the idea for this blog, and a friend helped shape the topics.

Like anything new, it was exciting, thought and a bit scary at first. I was staunch about writing a post daily - even if I had little inspiration - which, of course, degenerated into falling behind for awhile there.

But now I'm back on track and determined to follow this through to the end. One of the many faults I've identified about myself is that I go all in at the beginning of something, whether it's a relationship, a work project, a workout routine etc., and tell myself I'm going to stick with it and then just make up excuses not to, and it ends up falling to the wayside.

That's not gonna happen with this project. Nor will it happen to the reason for starting this blog:

Today marks the one-year anniversary.

I was asked what I'd be doing to celebrate. My response was "nothing." I know that there's a reason to celebrate, but my views are a little skewed. I never should have had to be in the position to celebrate, so I'm not going to. 

But I will recognize. I recognize that today is the one-year anniversary.

And that's enough.

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