Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 232: If I Ruled Lichtenstein... We'd Cut the Red Tape

There are very few people in a person's life - if any - that you can completely be yourself around. And I mean completely. Around these special people, you can speak your mind without a filter, and just be you without fear of judging or ridicule.

To me, that means everything.

This is never something you can do at work. At work, I feel like I'm constantly on edge. I worry that I'm not saying something politically correct enough, diplomatically enough, or gentle enough.
Plus, at work, you can't just fix a problem. I had a very simple issue the other day, but couldn't just simply fix it. I had to go through the red tape of figuring out the solution to a problem, then had to take it to the department in charge of fixing the problem, get their approval, talk to the person who will actually fix it, wait until he fixes it, check to see that it's fixed, and then approve it being fixed.

Seriously. Even though I'm smart enough to just take care of the problem on my own, I have to go through all these channels before it actually gets done. It just seems so inefficient.

In Lichtenstein, corporations are going to eliminate as much red tape as possible to save time, thereby saving money.
I mean, people are hired because they seem like the best of the best for the job, right?

So let them do their jobs and let them do it efficiently.

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