Holy going against the grain Batman!
This one's easy. Think. I think differently than most people. Or at least this is something I have to believe.
For starters, I have a line from a song playing in my head at all hours of the day. It could be the song from a commercial (damn you catchy mattress and cat food jingles) a song I hear on the radio, or one I recognize that someone is humming near me (right now I have "Thriller" by Michael Jackson playing on a continuous loop).
Second, I am not always in control of my brain. It runs away from me and sometimes leads me to dark places without my consent. You'd think that your brain is in your head, so you should be able to control it, right? Not always for me.
And third I feel like I bounce from idea to idea and thought to thought and emotion to emotion faster and more forcefully than most people. This is a strength in brainstorming situations, for example, but a hindrance when I have to focus on a single task or need to remember just one thing (which I can easily forget because my mind will wander elsewhere).
So my mind works differently than most people's.But it's me. And that's OK.
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