Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 146: Never Have I Ever... Om-ed At Work

The concept of meditation is completely foreign to me. It has thus far been impossible for me to completely clear my mind and just focus on breathing and relaxation. I want to, but my mind doesn't work that way.

But that's no going to stop me from continuing to try whenever I get the chance because it's something I do want to achieve.

The head of my department walked by my boss's office where my colleague, boss, and I were having our first status update meeting, then apparently backtracked to peer in at us a second time through the window.

None of us saw this, however, because we were all sitting cross-legged on the floor of her office concentrating on our deep breathing with our eyes closed trying to meditate. It was hard to relax - I was at work about to partake in a meeting where we discuss all the projects we're working on and their upcoming deadlines, after all - but I tried.

Never have I ever meditated at the office, but if more people tried it, I'm sure there'd be much less work-related stress.

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