Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 22: If I Ruled Lichtenstein... Dirty Jobs Would Pay Bank

Something I've never understood is the absolutely disproportionate salary structure of the world we live in. Sports stars make millions of dollars a year for playing games for a few hours a week, and doctors make a modest living even though their job is to save lives and work 80 hours a week 48-hour shifts at a time.

In Lichtenstein, I'd be the one setting the starting salary structure for every job in my country. Actors and sports stars would be at the very bottom of my salary scale. Actors get to pretend to be someone else for a few weeks, and sports stars play the games they love for paychecks - both with six digits ahead of the decimal in today's world. Their jobs are pure fun, so paying them the most money to do something fun for a living makes zero sense, and is simply just not fair.

Police officers, firefighters, and those who serve in the military would make the millions. Their lives are literally on the line every single time they go to work to keep us safe. Doctors and EMTs would be a close second, as they go to school for decades to learn how to keep us healthy and help us in dire times of need.

The blue-collar workers and those who perform the mundane jobs that need to be done to make the world work would be making six figures. Without them, our garbage would pile up, we'd have no cars to drive, no one to cook our food, and our children would be uneducated. These are the jobs that people should be well-compensated for doing.

In Lichtenstein, we celebrate the unsung heroes where it counts for so many - their paychecks for an important job well done. And those who play games for a living will get the pleasure of playing games for a living - the way it should be.

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