Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 29: If I Ruled Lichtenstein... Items at the Dollar Store Would Actually Cost $1

I personally don't mind having loose change in my pocket or wallet. It's convenient at the store when the total comes to a few cents over the nearest dollar, at turnpike tolls or when the vending machine calls my name at work.

However, it's a huge pain when facing any of those situations and not having any change, which leads to a heavier wallet, longer lines for the live toll booth person on the turnpike, and a quest to find which of my colleagues has change for the useless crumpled dollar that the vending machine doesn't take (which, by the way, would never happen in Lichtenstein because vending machines would be far smarter and accept all bills, regardless of the age or crumpled-ness, and would give correct change.)

Plus, I know it seems like an item is cheaper if it's priced at $0.99 or $29,999 (you're not kidding me - I know that really means $1.00 and $30,000) but it seems like a cheap (pun intended) way to make merchandise seem more attractive. If the item is worth buying, those subconscious thoughts that the item is less expensive than it truly is shouldn't be the deciding factor. Plus, when you factor in tax, the item is actually more expensive than advertised.

Therefore, everything in Lichtenstein would cost an even dollar amount - with a low tax included. If you see something on the shelf for $15, you'll end up paying $15. No worries that you won't have enough money after tax or correct change. Plus, that would deter bums from coming into Lichtenstein, as there would be no change to beg for.

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