Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 121: Remember the Time... I am Definitely Not a Ninja

It's been a week, and my ankle is still swollen.

Remember the time I did a kickboxing class at lunch and tried to keep up with my colleague who I've since found out is a ninja, which led to me spraining my ankle?

I was unaware that my colleague, Mike, travels around the world competing in Jiu-Jitsu tournaments when I was (unsuccessfully) attempting to run as fast, lunge as fast, and punch as hard as him. All that led to was failure on my part and a sprained, swollen, hurt ankle.

It really hurt, and I spent the rest of the afternoon taking care of it in the obvious way: with a steel water bottle tied to my ankle with a tank top. (I would have had to walk all the way downstairs to get an ice pack at CVS.) And of course the only pair of shoes I had with me was sky high heels, which I had to wear for the rest of the day. Going down the hall to the bathroom was painful enough.

But sprained ankle and pain be damned - I'm still playing basketball with my brand-new team on Monday.

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