Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 160: Never Have I Ever... Been This Personally Affected By Advertising

The only time I absentmindedly flip through a magazine is when I'm sitting in a waiting room somewhere and forgot to bring my own. I read the ones I subscribe to from cover to cover, but usually do nothing more than glance at the advertisements, which I refer to as "commercials" for whatever reason.

And rarely does a commercial get my attention, but obviously this one did:

Now I'm smart enough to realize that the innovative people at got my name from the label on my magazine subscription, but wow. I wonder how much more they had to pay to personalize every single advertisement they ran in this month's issue.

But it's effective. If any advertisement were to get my attention, it's this one, which seems to give me a personal message:

Maybe I am missing some pieces in my wardrobe. I'd better look in my closet and see.

Well done, Zappos. Just don't overdo it or I'll quickly get annoyed.

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