Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 183: If I Ruled Lichtenstein... You'd See Gorgeous Models - Stretchmarks And All

No. Sorry. It is not every girl's dream to walk the runway of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Contrary to what one of the models said in her interview between sections of the fashion show, it has never been my dream to starve myself so I be a size negative four and walk in underwear down a runway. 

Yeah, I have more lofty goals.

But I still couldn't help but admire the bangin' bodies of the models in the show. And their skin looked absolutely flawless, which is something I have to admit I envy, having had problem skin all my life.

The only thing that was more amazing than the models to me was the makeup.

So one of my cousins whom I'm closest to is a graphic designer. She has a bunch of friends in the graphic design department at Limited Brands - aka the company that owns Victoria's Secret. So she's seen the models' unedited, un-airbrushed film, and hung out with some of them in person. Score.

Is it wrong that I was happy to hear that all the models who've had babies have noticeable stretchmarks? Or that one of the famous blondes has horrible acne?

But had she not told me this, I would continue thinking that there are just women out there with perfect skin and perfect bodies.

Therefore so this falsehood does not continue, in Lichtenstein, models and advertisements are gong to depict real women. Sure, they can wear makeup, but there will be no airbrushing allowed in any magazine in my country. Women already feel bad enough about themselves for not being tall enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, etc. The last thing we need is a false sense of perfection. 

Because according to my cousin, what we see is an absolute false sense of what these women look like. Graphics designers are magicians. If they weren't so good at their jobs, we'd know that even models are not immune to stretchmarks.

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