Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 78: If I Ruled Lichtenstein... "[Tweet!] Foul! Penalty for the Wronged!"

You are ready to start having children. You want two kids. Your partner only wants one. What's the compromise? Having one kid and a midget?

You get a job in New York City at the same time your partner gets a job in L.A. You want to stay together, so what's the compromise? Live between the two cities in Kansas?

My point is, there is no real compromise. Someone's gonna get what they want, and someone's gonna have to cave and give up what they want.

I've always maintained that every relationship should be between three people so there's always a tie-breaker for these types of life-changing situations. But since that's not exactly the way the world works, communication is key when these rare issues crop up.

But for the day-to-day disagreements, it's going to be a bit easier in Lichtenstein. Every relationship here will have 24/7 access to a referee. A referee will be available via a hotline at all times to listen to both sides of a disagreement and give his or her opinion to quash anyone who's being ridiculous or unreasonable.

The way it works is you'd call the hotline and ask to be connected to an expert on the topic you're having a disagreement on. The referee would give equal time to both parties to plead their case, and would then take a side that's backed with facts and solid evidence. The whistle is optional.

So then there will be no question that yes, he does watch sports way too much, and no, she doesn't spend too much money when she shops. No question.

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