Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 92: If I Ruled Lichtenstein... Carrots Would Taste Like French Fries

It's hard to eat right and maintain a healthy weight when there are so many delicious calorie-laden options out there. While some healthy foods are quite good, no one ever says that their favorite food is broccoli or salad.

No, people point to French fries, chocolate, pizza, and tacos as their favorite foods. Yes they're unhealthy when eaten all the time* or in large quantities, but are fine in moderation. The only problem is once you take one bite of a grease-dripping slice of pepperoni pizza, you only want more.

*I could eat pizza every day for every meal if my health and waistline wouldn't suffer.

In Lichtenstein, our brilliant scientists have developed a way to make healthy foods to taste exactly like unhealthy foods without any harmful chemicals. I could tell you about all the science behind this technology, but I don't want to bore you.

Therefore, when you eat a carrot, you'll still be eating a carrot, but it will taste like a French fry. Or when you're eating a slim slice of whole wheat toast, it will taste like a donut. And the list goes on and on.

You can still eat carrots that taste like carrots or toast that tastes like toast, of course, but there will always the option to buy their French fry/donut-flavored counterparts that are delicious AND healthy! It's win/win, which is what Lichtenstein is all about.

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